Supratarka Activities

「2025年 中学生 ゴミを使った美術作品国際コンテスト」の準備開始 "International Contest of Artwork using Garbage for Junior High School Student 2025"

10月に開催予定の「2025年 中学生 ゴミを使った美術作品国際コンテスト」の準備を開始しました。
前回の「2024年 中学生地球市民会議」での日本側の提案を発展させて具体化したプロジェクトです。
前回の参加校である台湾の新東國民中學、インドネシアのSMP Negeri 2 Yogyakartaに加えて、今回はマレーシアのHSBM中等学校も加わります。

We've started preparations for the "International Contest of Artwork using Garbage for Junior High School Student 2025" which is scheduled to be held in October.
The project is a concrete development of the proposal from the Japanese side at the previous "Global Communication for Junior High School Students 2024".
In addition to the previous participating schools, Sindong Junior High School in Taiwan and SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta in Indonesia, HSBM Secondary School in Malaysia will also be joining us.
This time, we have set up a "Student Committee" and plan to run the event with students from the four countries.
We are looking forward to seeing what kind of artworks will be created using garbage.

     *First meeting on January 4th.