Supratarka Activities

2023-12 Blog Entry List

「高校生地球市民会議」を無事開催 "Global Communication for High School Students 2023" was held successfully.

11月23日(木)に「2023年 高校生地球市民会議」を無事開催しました。

We've held "Global Communication for High School Students 2023" on November 23rd successfully.
High school students from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia gathered on a screen and discussed together according to the theme.


Theme: "2043.11.23" (Society and myself after 20 years.)
              *Imagine what society and myself will be like 20 years from now, showing evidences.

期 日:2023年11月23日(木) November 23rd (Thu) 日本時間15:00 - 18:00

参加者:各国の高校生 High School Students (15 - 18 years old)

参加国:日本 (Japan):沖縄の高校生 from various schools in Okinawa
    マレーシア (Malaysia):Batu Kawan Secondary School students
    タイ (Thailand):Rachawinit School students

会 場:日本:読谷村文化センター (Yomitan-son Cultural Center)、マレーシア・タイ:学校内 (at school)

タイ側の様子 Thai side:

Each side prepared 2 different presentations according to the theme.

The theme was "Society in 20 years," and we were looking forward to seeing what kind of content would come out in each country,
Basically there seemed to be not very different from each other, such as bright futures and un-bright futures.
In that sense, Japan's image of an un-bright future had a different perspective.
The subtitle was set as "Excessive Diversity and Japan".
Diversity is basically a good thing, but if it goes too far, problems may arise ...

Anyway, we hope that was a valuable experience for all participants.